Paula Bieler is the Swedish Democrats' migration policy spokesperson and has been on the party board since 2013. Now she chooses to leave it.

"I used to say a little jokingly that 'the day I call myself a politician, it's time to quit,'" writes Paula Bieler in a Facebook post published in late October.

“Now I have worked full time with politics for over two terms - and really more than full time. Although I still basically see myself as a science student, on my way to a world of research and academia, I feel that part of me doesn't really get the space it deserves - to say the least, "she develops.

Wing: "Haven't been able to talk to her"

The SD summit also says she is entering a new life stage this spring - with marriages and plans to form a family.

"My private self and my own thoughts and thoughts simply cannot be included and cannot be developed, as long as I, as the national representative and member of the party's top leadership, have as their primary mission to convey the party's policy," Paula Bieler writes.

Henrik Vinge, who is proposed to be SD's Deputy Party Chairman, confirms to SVT News that he has taken note of Paula Bieler's message not to stand for re-election.

- I haven't been able to talk to her about it yet but intend to do so. Paula is a valued employee, he says.

SVT News is looking for Paula Bieler for a comment.