Paris (AFP)

The National Assembly adopted Wednesday evening the budget of the Ministry of Overseas for 2020, which amounts to some 2.5 billion euros, down 100 million euros compared to 2019, due in particular to unused credits.

"On a like-for-like basis", the Overseas Mission's budget amounts to 2.6 billion in commitment authorizations (new expenditure that the ministry can carry out each year) but to 2.5 billion (2.45 excluding exemption). only in payment appropriations, down by 100 million compared to 2019, "said Minister Overseas Annick Girardin.

But "commitment authorizations are maintained at a very high level, it is historically one of the largest overseas budgets," she insisted.

The decline in payment appropriations is mainly due to "unused credits", for 66 million, she explained, highlighting a lack of local engineering to carry projects.

"It is not acceptable to see the fault rejected on operators and communities," said Jean-Michel Clément (Liberties and territories). "We are not incapable," said PS deputy Martinique Serge Letchimy.

"At no time do I absolve the State of its responsibility for the delay that has taken a number of operations in the territories," said Ms. Girardin, stating that she asked for a precise inventory of credits that have not could be consumed, and proposing a working group on the subject with parliamentarians.

Several MEPs denounced the decline in housing loans. "This year, housing resources are the lowest in recent years", according to Nicole Sanquer (Polynesia, UDI-Agir).

"215 million euros commitment authorization, the amount is not up to the needs of overseas, but I am still convinced that we will not be able in 2020 to consume all credits", regretted Mrs. Girardin.

After a succession of amendments from all parties asking for increased funding to improve mobility aid between Overseas France and France, the Minister announced a working group to review the conditions of eligibility to aid for the purchase of airline tickets, which are too restrictive at present.

"We must stop to postpone until tomorrow, what's the point of being Minister of Overseas if you do not put yourself in the place of Ultramarines", was blown a little later Nadia Ramassamy (Reunion, LR) , accusing her of "not being born overseas".

"You do not hear the suffering of the people, it is a cure of austerity," said Jean-Luc Ratenon (Reunion, LFI).

An amendment to increase by one million euros help for the return of the deceased for disadvantaged families has been adopted.

Another increased by 100,000 euros the credits to allow the economic integration of the overseas departments in their sea basin.

© 2019 AFP