Chinese President Xi "Economic Globalization Nobody Can Prevent" November 5, 12:12

Xi Jinping Jintao of China, addressed in the exhibition on the theme of five days the opening was imported in Shanghai, "the globalization of the economy is the trend of history, nobody can not prevent," said, confrontation with trade friction Emphasizing the attitude against protectionism in the United States.

Start a large-scale exhibition on the theme of imports from five days in Shanghai, China, Xi Jinping Jintao was a speech in the opening ceremony.

In this, President Xun said, “Economic globalization is a trend in history. No one can prevent this trend, even with many steep reefs.”

In addition, with the US in conflict with trade friction in mind, he pointed out that `` the difficult problems facing the global economy cannot be solved in one country '' and stated that `` discussion and friction are the right way to discuss and cooperate '' He stressed his attitude against protectionism and unilateralism, and called for resolution of problems through discussion.

China also indicated its policy of further opening up the market.

This exposition was held by the Chinese government following last year as a national project of Xi Xi, and more than 150 countries and local companies participated, attracting about 500,000 buyers from home and abroad Appeals that it is a prospect.

Of these, Japan is expected to exhibit about 380 companies and organizations, the most in the participating countries and regions, and Japan-China relations are improving. I am planning to do it.