• Budget law, Chigi sources: "It is not and will not be the tax maneuver"
  • Manovra, Fioramonti: "Rules on research agency without my involvement"
  • Economic maneuver, the debate in the Senate: controversy over plastic tax


04 November 2019

Four tables will be set up at the Palazzo Chigi between the government and the unions on pensions and non-self-sufficiency, taxation, public employment, investments. The unions reported it at the end of the meeting on the maneuver that had recently ended at Palazzo Chigi. "The commitment made today - said the leader of the UIL, Carmelo Barbagallo - is to continue the discussion with the Ministers of Labor, of Economic Development, of the South and of Health on specific subjects".

The requests of the unions - explained Furlan - are the resources for the renewal of the contract of public employees; tax reform; the activation of infrastructure worksites; the modification of the Fornero law making the social bee a structural one, providing for the guarantee pension for the young and the recognition to the working women of one year of contributions for each child, separating assistance from social security. All while maintaining Quota 100.

Gualtieri: "No steps back on reducing wedge and evasion fight"
The reduction of the tax wedge and the fight against tax evasion are the pillars of the maneuver and I do not intend to take steps backwards. According to reports, the Economy Minister, Roberto Gualtieri, said this during the meeting with the unions. The minister responded positively to the demands of the trade union organizations not to back down on the reduction of taxes on labor and on combating tax evasion.

"On plastic tax and auto companies open to improving"
On the plastic tax we are open to improvements but without distorting the sense of the norm, as well as on company cars. According to reports, this is the position expressed by the Minister of Economy during the meeting at Palazzo Chigi.