The German gastroscope is a fast and safe screening method for common gastrointestinal diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, and it helps prevent colon cancer, said Professor Thomas Zoeferlain.

The gastroenterologist explained that the gastroscope allows the discovery of what is known as polyps, which are nodal protrusions appear on the mucosa lining the intestine.

Over time, these benign swellings may turn into malignant ones that raise the risk of colon cancer, which can lead to death. With the endoscope, the doctor can remove these polyps before they become malignant. The Soul

The following cases call for gastroscopy:

Frequent and persistent abdominal pain.
Continuous diarrhea.
3 - the presence of blood in the stool.
4. Lose weight without obvious reasons. The Soul

The German professor pointed out that it is not permissible to eat foods containing a nucleus, grain or crust such as products of whole grains, corn, sesame, kiwi, tomatoes and grapes 3-7 days before the endoscope, because these foods stick to the intestinal wall for a long time, This makes the examination difficult. Drink plenty of water to clean your intestines.