French Press Review Podcast Podcast

In the news: the tragedy of 39 people found dead in a truck in England

The truck of horror for Le Parisien , shame for Libération . The bodies of 38 adults and a teenager were found in this container still mysterious trip explains the Parisian : the heavyweight is registered in Bulgaria, he passed through Belgium before being discovered in the Essex a few tens of kilometers from London.

Mystery also about the identity of the victims, even if they are probably migrants. Liberation reminds us that there are precedents: in 2000, 58 Chinese were found dead in Dover, again after passing through the Belgian port of Zeebrugge. Zeebrugge apparently hub of human trafficking since it was in a container from the port city that an Afghan had been found dead a few years ago at Tilbury Docks not far from Grays where the macabre discovery was made yesterday.

The Parisian gives the floor to Davoud, an Iranian who crossed the Channel two years ago. He explains the mechanism leading to such tragedies: the chances of passing " rise to 80% with a refrigerated truck that are less controlled ". This is exactly the type of container found at Grays, explains Libération.

Davoud continues " the smugglers told us not to worry, but after 3 hours we already suffocated and as they forbid the phones not to be spotted, you just have to hit the walls hoping that the driver or a passer-by comes and opens the door . "

A horror hard to fight explain the newspapers

" Such tragedies will happen again, " an Amnesty International member told Libération "unless there is a radical change in European policy. "

But nothing has really changed since a similar case that had been scandalous: the death of 71 migrants in a refrigerated truck in Austria four years ago.

" There is a collective refusal of the European countries to take their responsibilities " still explains the member of Amnesty, but the International Organization of Migrations, it is judged that " the situation is not specific to Europe, because it is very difficult to fight smuggling networks. "

The Cross points out, however, that " proposals to fight traffickers are very rare ", on the contrary " political speeches saying that we must block the road to migrants ". " There is also something terribly symbolic that this tragedy occurred when the United Kingdom wants to separate from the European Union including to limit the influx of migrants, " the newspaper said.

The Cross, which is also devoting its Une to the resumption of migrant arrivals in Greece.

With a long report on " the jungle of Lesbos, this camp that drives you crazy ". 13,000 people live there in increasingly precarious conditions. Diseases including mental multiply, as well as violence and sexual abuse, with the first victims children, they are 6000 in Lesbos. " They should urgently be evacuated, " says a Médecins du Monde psychologist, " we can just try to improve their condition, so they can survive in this camp. "

" Monsieur le cure and madame ": this is the title of Une de Libération this morning.

The daily explains that " Pope Francis would be ready to put a cross on the celibacy of priests ". An experiment in this sense is under study in the Amazon. So for the time being it would be a question of ordaining men who are already married in this region alone, but it is a revolution all the same according to the newspaper.

Why the Amazon: because this territory faces a terrible shortage of candidates and the Catholic Church is threatened in its status of majority religion. " She is therefore doomed to find bold solutions ," says Libération.

But this option remains " a huge casus belli within Catholicism, " moderates the daily, especially in France where the Church is much less open on the subject than in Germany or Belgium for example.

But " if Pope Francis dreams of himself as a great modernizer before the Lord, it is because there is fire to the sacristy ": " the lack of vocations and the competition on the market of the faith " creates a feeling of 'emergency. A situation that could also open the way for the priesthood to women, concludes Liberation.

A crisis of vocation also in French politics explains Le Parisien this morning

" Candidate in 2022? I never, "headlines the newspaper, enjoying the proliferation of declarations of non-candidacy for the presidential elections in recent weeks.

Whether it's the new Republican boss Christian Jacob, Senate Speaker Gérard Larcher, former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, the MEP Raphaël Glucksman or the right-wing heiress Marion Maréchal, " all world is hiding, "notes an adviser of the Elysee in the article.

" Why these defections and why so soon? Le Parisien wonders . A bit of hypocrisy and a lot of fatalism facing a new duel announced between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron in 2022. But also the desire not to expose too much and the consequence of the wave of dégagisme which limited the stock of presidential, list Le Parisien.

A book also in the headlines, it is entitled " The future of the planet begins on our plate "

And it is signed by the American novelist and essayist Jonathan Safran Foer and he tells, he says to Liberation , " his experience of being human facing the climate crisis ".

" An ecological storytelling essay " according to Médiapart with a goal: " How can we not treat climate change as a bad thing?" "

Among the writer's recommendations: to switch to a two-thirds vegan diet because, he recalls, " if cows were a country, they would be the third most emitting power of greenhouse gases behind the United States. United and China. "

Moderation in our behavior, food, but not only, can help us feel better, says Jonathan Safran Foer.

But the manifesto is a little too self-centered for the taste of Mediapart , which recognizes the honesty of the approach, but recalls that it evokes " the situation of a rich man in a rich country " and that it does not put much public policies and the lack of accountability on the part of political leaders.

One thing is certain, this book is likely to give hives to the Figaro , which bar its A this morning of this title: " these vegans that worry the rural world ". An article especially devoted to " animalists " who break into farms to denounce the living conditions of animals. " An ecology of contrition " judges the newspaper, " a fanaticism " directed against " the first of the ecologists: the peasant ".

The author of the editorial which probably did not have to read the article of Libération on pig farms, castrated without anesthesia when they are not simply killed by banging their heads against a wall, explain former employees the newspaper.