Google claims it is developing quantum computer technology that can solve 10,000-year operations on supercomputers in just 200 seconds.

According to CNN on Monday, Google introduced a so-called discovery called quantum supremacy in its blog and articles about the journal Nature.

The findings could be a precursor to quantum computers, and are expected to innovate beyond the capabilities of world-class supercomputers in computing.

Quantum computers literally perform operations based on the theory of quantum mechanics.The idea is to make all operations correspond to 0 and 1 and then convert them into quantum bits called cubits.

Google is currently planning to develop and test a Quantum computer as soon as possible, which may involve some errors, CNN said.

"We need years of engineering and scientific work to achieve the necessary computing power," Google wrote in a blog post. "But we're looking at a clearer path and trying to move forward."

Sundar Pichai, chief executive officer of Google, said in an interview with the MIT Technology Review that "the first human flight flew only 12 seconds." "I showed the possibility that I could fly that anyway."

But rivals and some computing experts doubt the power of Google's quantum computer, CNN said.

"We overestimated the difficulty of computing," IBM said in a blog post. "The computational work that takes 10,000 years with a supercomputer can actually be solved in 2.5 days."

(Yonhap News, Photo = Getty Images Korea)