The pharmacy company is part of the Bonver Group, whose history began with the founders of Gerard and Cecilia Versteegh renting a movie at a petrol station on Strandvägen in Stockholm in 1983.

The company became big in video distribution and was visited by the royal couple. The Express revealed in 2003 that staff had to spend one and a half weeks hiding 72 pallets with 43,000 porn videos before the visit.

"The porn movies are becoming an increasingly smaller part of our business," explained Gerard Versteegh to the magazine.

Bonver created video services online early on and became involved in the debate on illegal file sharing and the new Ipred law.

Chaos around the last care assignment

Ten years after the royal visit, they received their first contracts in healthcare: for distribution of dose-distributed drugs.

It was a mission that soon led to headlines reminiscent of today's: shipments were delayed and confused, doctors described it as extremely serious while Gerard Versteegh dismissed the criticism.

- It is clear that we made one and the other mistake. But in principle we have no major quality problems, he told SVT.

After the pharmacy's CEO left his post on Friday, the board now leads the operational work. Cecilia Versteegh is the company's chairman and also led the majority of her speech at yesterday's crisis meeting in Uppsala.

Wanted to fight waste

In last year's election, she ran for a seat in the municipal council at Lidingö, at number 18 on the list of Christian Democrats. In an interview on the party's Facebook page, she was asked what questions she was most passionate about.

- That it is not wasted with tax funds and that the policy works long-term for its citizens, with great integrity.

SVT has asked Cecilia Versteegh via the pharmacy service if she believes that what has now happened with canceled operations constitutes a waste of tax money. We only receive a written response from the company, via the hired spokesperson Eric Aronson:

“Of course, we regret that patients have suffered and work around the clock to provide the hospitals with what they need. We have and handle orders from the hospitals via the Supply of Goods to us and all our focus is to make it work as soon as possible. "