US military officials welcome to dispatch to the Middle East of the Self-Defense Forces October 21 14:39

Regarding the safety of ships in the Middle East, the Japanese government has shown its policy to consider dispatching the Self-Defense Forces as a unique initiative of Japan, without participating in the voluntary coalition that the United States aims to form. The executives expressed their willingness to welcome, saying, "The contribution to the region is beneficial in any way."

This is a response from some US media officials in Tokyo on the morning of the 21st. Regarding the situation in the Middle East, the Japanese government will consider participating in the Middle East region of the Self-Defense Forces as Japan's own initiative, without participating in the voluntary coalition that the United States aims to form, in order to ensure the safety of ships related to Japan. Shows the policy.

In this regard, US military officials expressed their willingness to welcome, saying, “A contribution to the region is beneficial in any way.”

“What is happening in the Middle East is a global problem directly linked to trade and resource procurement. It may be different from what the Trump administration has asked for, but it is a positive step.” .

In addition, regarding the missile launch by North Korea, the executive said, “We are concerned that North Korea ’s missile capabilities are improving. We need to improve the defense system,” said the crisis. I showed a feeling.

Furthermore, with the rise of China in mind, “To defend Japan, it is necessary to secure training and responsiveness, but there are currently many challenges. "We have to be able to do so," and expressed concern that the training was not sufficiently done by local opposition such as Okinawa Prefecture.

On top of that, this executive appealed that the Japanese government would like to actively disseminate information to the public regarding the current situation in which the security environment in the East Asian region is undergoing major changes.