Care administrators' tasks are to handle all administrative matters at a health center. In October last year, four experienced employees were given the opportunity to try work from home, primarily with printing journals.

"We have achieved very good results, for example, we have increased productivity by 25% printed journals," says Peter Fransson, chief operating officer.

Quality also improves

The reason for the improvement he thinks has to do with sitting undisturbed at home, there is often a lot of interruption at a health care center.

- There will also be better quality of care notes that are made at home, says Peter Fransson.

So far, it is a maximum of two days a week for staff to work from home.

- It is important that we retain the social exchange you get in a workplace. It should also not be a loss at the health center, he says.

Anna-Maria Andersson, Hannah Heldemyr, Therese Salomonsson and Annika Svedenklint are health care administrators and have been given the opportunity to work from home. Photo: Peter Fransson

The home workplace needs to keep up

In order to be able to work from home, the manager must approve the home workplace so that it meets the requirements for work environment and privacy.

- They should be able to shut down when they work and the computer should be locked. That way, I don't think privacy is less when working at home, says Peter Fransson.

Invites others to try

Kunghälsan's health center sees only positive effects and believes that more health centers in the county should notice.

- We need more happy care administrators and this allows for a more flexible everyday life, says Peter Fransson.

Since it is a professional group that many compete for, he also sees opportunities in recruitment.

- Staff saves on trips to and from the health care center and this can act as a lure for hiring new health care administrators, he says.