Besides a fat and non-varied diet, lack of physical activity can permanently affect your external appearance. To regain your ideal weight quickly, it is necessary to make a change in your diet by focusing on foods high in nutritional value and high in fiber. Small changes can make a difference.

Here are eight habits that will enable you to get a slim waist in the long run, and you can gradually incorporate them into your daily life:

Avoid consumption of sugar and soft drinks
In the report published in the French magazine Santi Plus, writer Patrick F. stated that by following this habit you will get rid of sugar addiction, which is detrimental to the thinness of your body and your health as well as liver health. In order to keep your liver healthy and regain your ideal weight quickly, reduce the consumption of sugary drinks before stopping completely, as they contain calories and do not contain any recommended nutrients.

2- Replacing sugars with proteins
Although the body needs sugars to perform its functions, it is necessary to reduce the intake of fast sugars found in rice or white bread. Replace this type of sugars with protein-rich foods such as lentils and chickpeas. Proteins are responsible for satiety, which is essential for resisting cravings. According to one study, a protein-rich diet allows you to get a significant reduction in body mass.

3- Fiber consumption
Gradually incorporating fiber into your diet is the best way to facilitate digestion and weight loss because, besides being rich in nutrients, it gives a sense of satiety to resist cravings every day.

The best sources of fiber are dry fruits, pulses and whole grain products. Dates were also consumed, dried plums, black chocolate and blackberries. These foods will facilitate your digestion and regulate gastrointestinal bacteria.

4 - reduce psychological pressure
Did you know that stress has always been the enemy of thinness? This can affect weight because in case of anxiety the body secretes cortisol, a hormone responsible for storing fat that stimulates appetite.

To overcome this problem, you can practice meditation, as listening to oneself and focusing on your breath is a good way to relax. According to a study published in the International Journal of Health Sciences, eating dark chocolate with a high cocoa content may significantly reduce stress in patients with moderate or severe anxiety.

5. Sleep long enough
To regain your vitality, it is recommended to sleep at least eight hours a day. If you do not enjoy the rest that will compensate you for fatigue, the level of stress increases and cortisol is released. According to the same study, individuals who sleep less than eight hours a day are more likely to be overweight or obese.

6- Exercise
Light exercise such as yoga or stretching can be a good start to integrate sports into your daily routine. The main thing is to do regular sports activity even during short periods. Once your stamina improves, you will be able to do more demanding activities such as cardio exercises, which are ideal for burning fat and calories.

7 - Stand upright
Standing upright helps your body to be flexible and strong. Fatty lumps will also become less visible.If you have trouble standing upright, you can wear a posture corrector that will help correct your spine.

8- Hydration
Moisturizing by drinking at least one and a half liters of water a day is necessary to maintain the thinness of your body. Water improves metabolism and burns calories better. In addition, adequate hydration allows the detoxification and fat accumulated by the body faster.