• Maneuver. Di Maio: "No ultimatum. If there is no government coalition at home"
  • Maneuver, Conte: "Who does not make a team is outside the government"
  • Salvini: "We people against the elite. We will change the history of Italy"
  • Leopolda10, Renzi: "The future is not of the populists. Salvini's objective was to get his hands on the Hill"
  • Meloni: "The center-right leader will be the one who gets the most votes"
  • Manovra, Landini to the government: "Ready to the square if you put back a wedge and fight evasion"
  • Maneuver in chaos, Di Maio and Renzi against Conte. Boccia: "If it gets worse, it's better to go home"


20 October 2019The tension in the majority does not calm down on the eve of the summit at Palazzo Chigi. From the secretary of the Pd Zingaretti comes the invitation to lower the tones. Di Maio says he is "confident", in finding a solution to the maneuver but warns Prime Minister Conte: in politics we listen to the first force that is the M5s, because if the M5s goes home it is difficult for a coalition of government to exist yet " The meeting 'must serve to put three proposals in the budget law which are essential for us - he adds - or we do or do not yet exist the maneuver.' The CGIL secretary Landini warns: do not question the fight against tax evasion and cutting the tax wedge, the government has made commitments with us. We are ready for a mobilization in the streets ".

Zingaretti: "If someone makes a clever interest in moving forward, he fails"
"If in this government someone deludes himself that by being clever, saying the day before we all agree and the next day begins to controversy, I say, without threatening anyone, that the interest to go on is less. Bicycles they stand when they walk for the common good.If a bicycle stops it falls and since I have made some commitments I want to be the guarantor and the commitments we would keep them together and I do not accept a game of the one who shoots the biggest. the credibility of a political class ". Thus the secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, to 'is not the arena'. "The Italians will punish those who think only of themselves," emphasizes the leader of the Democratic Party.

Di Maio: "Satisfied with the summit but the tones of these hours pain me"
"I am satisfied that the majority summit has been called tomorrow and we will be able to discuss this but I must also say that the tones of these hours amaze me, surprise me and pain us as a 5-star Movement, but it is not the theme of the Movement, tones of the like 'Either you do this or you go home' they also harm the country and the government because in politics you listen to and take into consideration the proposals of the first political force that governs this government which is the Movement ". Thus Luigi Di Maio, speaking in Matera.

"If M5S goes home the government no longer exists"
"Because, if the Movement goes home, it is difficult that the Government coalition, indeed almost impossible, can still exist." The 5Stelle political leader posted on his Facebook profile the Movement's requests for the maneuver published by the blog of the stars. "Read well," he writes. And he reiterates: "prison for the great evaders and confiscation due to disproportion"; obligation of the pos but only after having drastically cut down the costs on credit cards and devices; revoke the change of the flat rate for VAT 15%. And on quota 100 he warns: "Someone today continues to hope for the abolition of Quota 100. They also presented amendments, so there are no votes in parliament".

Bonafede: "Great evaders great prison package"
He will be brought to the Council of Ministers on Monday for the part concerning the tax decree, the provision on prison for large tax evaders. Justice Minister Alfonso Bonafede said it in Perugia. "We need to decide - explained the Keeper of the Court - which party to let in immediately and which to enter in the conversion and in any case within 60 days".

Renzi opens to the disappointed of Forza Italia
From the Leopolda Matteo Renzi opens to the disappointed of Forza Italia: "In San Giovanni a cultural center-right model is finished, Salvini has taken the reins, I understand the discomfort of Forza Italia executives and militants - he says - To those who believe that there is space for a liberal and democratic area I say: come and give us a hand. Italia Viva is open ". But Di Maio attacks him: "The age of turncoats must end". Salvini on the leader of Italy alive: "Tonight all the news will give as first news Renzi and the Leopoldina, one that represents 3% of the Italians, an inflated balloon, a thief of democracy".