
20 October 2019 "The most difficult hours we imagine will be those in the middle of the night, past midnight until the early hours of the morning. As far as we are concerned the red alert has triggered the Civil Protection Plan which provides for the closure of all offices in the public areas of the redundant areas ". This is how the President of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti, tonight at the press office in the civil protection headquarters, taking stock of the procedures starting at 8pm tonight when the red weather alert is triggered.

"For the time being, there are no particular emergency situations, except for small landslides," added Toti, specifying that until the end of the alert "some clinics will be closed, especially in flood-proof areas: whoever has an appointment can call for a reprogramming within seven days, in so as not to lose the priority of the booking ". As for the rail transport system, the governor in contact with the Trenitalia management has made it known that for the day tomorrow additional garrisons and the replacement bus network have been alerted, should it become necessary.

"I also spoke with the president of the Port System Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea. Signorini - continues the president of the Liguria Region - for the activity in the port will be adopted in the next hours guidelines agreed with the unions and the terminalisti, while it has already been a technical note on the most suitable behavior to keep during the alert was issued ".

The president Toti then invited to the maximum prudence: "Since we expect a night and a Monday that we foresee complicated - he added - our advice everywhere is to stay at home for all those who can do it, moving only in case of real need , avoiding all potentially dangerous places and informing yourself in advance of the environmental situation of the roads or the railway line ".

The Regional Councilor for Civil Protection Giacomo Giampedrone recalled: "The red alert is not issued every day, the last one was issued for the end of October last year when the most devastating storm in the history of our region occurred "The red alert isn't a joke, you have to be very careful." The situation will be re-evaluated tomorrow morning by 12:30 based on what has happened during the night and the available modeling exits ".