The British Parliament votes on Saturday the Brexit agreement, already endorsed by the European Council. This is the last stage of the process started three years ago during the referendum. At the Irish border, residents hope that the agreement will be ratified by parliamentarians.


While in the British Parliament, negotiations to obtain a majority on the Brexit agreement come to an end, the people on the Irish border live these hours as a historic moment. If the agreement is voted, the Irish of the two territories South and North will be assured of being able to continue to live without border, their priority. So they follow the proceedings very closely.

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"I feel like he's going to get there, I feel good," said Terrence, who had never thought he might ever be satisfied with Boris Johnson's action. His house overlooks the border in the middle of a field. He who voted to stay in the European Union would be satisfied with this agreement which has the merit of avoiding the return of a physical border. "He managed to convince Europe when nobody believed it, I would be disappointed if he failed," he says at the microphone of Europe 1. This pensioner believes above all the intelligence of these advisers who campaign behind the scenes to convince the undecided to vote for.

A historic moment

Some parliamentarians have already confirmed that they will vote in favor of the agreement on Saturday. "I'm pretty optimistic," says Sean. "Of course, we would have preferred not to come here, but I think the agreement will be accepted because it's our last chance to finish once and for all, so even those who are on a line They are going to vote for it, but it's not over yet: it will be so tight that there will still be divisions, "he says. These Irish in the heart of the debates have the impression to live a unique moment.

"History is being written: in 20, 30 or 40 years, whatever the result, we will study at school ... I like this feeling," says Nail at the microphone Europe 1. Like many Northern Irish, he intends to follow the debates on television, although he will also keep an eye on the Irish rugby match against the All-Blacks in the quarter-finals of the Rugby World Cup .