Many people make a lot of effort to get rid of wrinkles and dark spots that appear on the skin, so that they can make their skin soft and supple, but often some factors are not taken into account.

Olga Simchenko said in her report published by the Russian site "FBRI" that dark spots may appear on the skin for several reasons, in addition to aging these spots are due to exposure to sunlight, and because of acne or hormone imbalance, as well as some skin diseases and deficiency In vitamins, moreover, dark spots may be reactions due to the use of cosmetics or some drugs.

Here are the main reasons for the appearance of dark spots on the skin:

1- Wrong cosmetics
Some studies confirm that some cosmetics may harm the skin, and in fact the problems caused by cosmetics are likely to include a simple rash down to allergies.

This depends on several reasons, the most important characteristics and components of used cosmetics, and generally advised to consult with a specialist to identify cosmetics appropriate for your skin.

Drinking wine
Alcohol can lead to dry skin, as well as the elimination of nutrients from the body, as it makes the skin look tired, and one study shows that alcohol may lead to the expansion of blood vessels on the surface of the skin.

Furthermore, regular intake of alcoholic beverages leads to temporary redness on the skin. In contrast, spots become visible on the face and cheeks over time and the capillaries dilate.

3 - pressure on acne or use means to eliminate it without consulting a specialist
According to one study, some foods increase the likelihood of acne, and in fact, when it appears on the face - especially in the period of youth and adolescence - many people begin to pressure this love with their fingers or adopt home remedies to get rid of it.

Interestingly, when you squeeze acne, the area becomes inflamed, and collagen fibers are damaged.As a result, scars or stains appear on the skin.Dermatologists do not recommend pressing acne or using toothpaste in order to get rid of it. Of side effects.

Exposure to the sun without the use of a protective ointment
Many people think that sunscreen ointment is used only when going to the beach.

In contrast, sunscreen ointment is a daily essential that must always be used to protect the skin from the harm of sunlight.

According to studies, the expected use of sunscreen reduces the risk of melanoma (a type of skin cancer).

In addition, sunscreen ointment does not cause vitamin D deficiency, nor does it have any negative health consequences.

In general, experts recommend using sunscreen in particular when exposed to sunlight from 10 am to 4 pm.

Failure to take the necessary measures to protect against air pollution
Some studies have confirmed that air pollution adversely affects skin health, because it promotes oxidative stress.

This leads to faster aging of the skin along with infections of the skin and many other diseases, such as rash and skin inflammation.

The writer said that scientists found that the appearance of wrinkles early as well as spots on the skin is directly linked to air pollution, and the main contaminants of the skin include cigarette smoke and ultraviolet radiation.

As a result, it is advised not to go to areas where smoking is high, as well as the need to wear masks, especially in jobs where the worker exposed to some forms of pollution.

The writer stated that cigarette smoke affects not only the smoker, but also the people around him.

In fact, this causes many skin diseases, including premature aging and poor wound healing, because smoke impairs collagen production.

Furthermore, smoking causes significant changes in the skin.It loses its freshness and makes it more vulnerable.It also makes the skin dry, contributes to the appearance of yellow spots, and nicotine contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels in the superficial layers of the skin, leading to clogged blood flow.

7. Use of deodorant
Dark spots under the arms can appear as a result of frequent hair removal, use of products containing alcohol.

Studies confirm that deodorants and antiperspirants are among the most sensitive products, and as such, no products should be applied to the armpits before or after shaving, especially if these products contain alcohol.

8- Hot water bath
The author reported that many people enjoy bathing in hot water, especially in winter.

Dermatologists say high temperatures can damage the skin and lead to dehydration, itching, irritation and inflammation.

In turn, it is recommended to use warm water, and after bathing the skin needs to dry with no rubbing using a towel and then moisturizing.

9 - the use of perfume
The use of perfumes that may contain alcohol and other chemicals and then exposure to the sun can damage the skin.

It is noteworthy that these skin problems do not appear immediately, but after a long time as a result of the negative interaction between perfumes, sweating, wind, humidity and sunlight.