- This is in line with our security work in the area. We already have several fixed cameras and have more on the way. In the meantime, we want to test drones, who can view and supplement patrolling police from above, says Johannes Dontsios, group manager for the area police in the local police area Malmö south.

He says the cameras are a way to increase security and prevent crime in an area that has been hit hard by fatalities, serious crime and drug offenses. So drones are added.

- Pictures from the drones help us to track events more quickly and also get to the current location faster, says Johannes Dontsios.

May facilitate police work

The method is already in use tomorrow. According to the police, drones will be in the air between 13 and 23. In addition to guiding patrols on the ground, the film material that the drone collects may be used in the investigative work.

Have you discussed whether it can be a violation of privacy to fly around and film people?

- Of course, that has been discussed. The police lawyers are careful to follow the legislation that is in place. In addition, there have only been positive noises from the residents in the area we met.

The police also write that the person handling the drone is not allowed to film in housing or other places of privacy.