Jasmine Adel

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Newspapers and art sites have circulated footage from a video described as "crude and shocking", fabricated and adapted from one of the famous scenes in Kingsman: The Secret Service, in which US President Donald Trump appears to be executing media and political dissidents.

The video shows President Trump inside a church shooting brutally attacking parishes whose faces carry either media slogans such as Face News, The Washington Post, CNN, NBC News, The Huffington Post, or some celebrities and political opponents such as Kathy Griffin, Adam Schiff, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Sen. John McCain, Sen. Bernie Sanders, one of the main potential contenders for the 2020 presidencies, and others.

The video drew resentment from all media outlets as well as those opposed to violence, and ignited the atmosphere in America, fueling the flames of the ongoing war between the US president and the media, which does not seem to be extinguished soon.

Serious and despicable
The New York Times was the first to receive footage from the video, which was shown at a three-day event in Miami last week by a group of supporters of Trump known as "American Priority," aimed at encouraging Trump's re-election in the 2020 election.

A disturbing video of a fake President Donald Trump shooting, assaulting and stabbing his critics and the media was played at a conference held by a pro-Trump group at his Miami resort last week, according to footage obtained by The New York Times. https://t.co/Y8m5mU9TMt

- CNN (@CNN) October 14, 2019

Although the video was fabricated and adapted, this did not diminish its impact and a sense of alienation or panic towards him. CNN President Trump has condemned it.

WHCA Statement on video depicting President Trump murdering journalists. pic.twitter.com/52lHFaQjU2

- WHCA (@whca) October 14, 2019

Incitement to violence
`` The video is a natural result of the quality of speeches Trump used to give to his supporters, and continued to create a climate of hatred and hostility towards journalists and the media, '' said Kelly Wiley, a journalist at The Daily Beast on her social media platforms.

the thing about the video is that clips from that genre are common as hell / have already saturated pro-trump spaces online. so for all the rightfully angry mainstream coverage it'll get now, it's a “yeah, no shit” deal from most trump types who are already inured to all this

- Kelly Weill (@KELLYWEILL) October 14, 2019

At a conference of Trump supporters, they played a video of our president murdering journalists in a church. Last year, a Trump supporter sent bombs to CNN — and a shooter entered a church yesterday. This video isn't funny. It will get people killed. https://t.co/XWtq1z38Kc

- Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) October 14, 2019

Former Texas congressman and Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke called the video "absolutely not funny" but would kill many people.

NBC's Benji Sarlene said the video was a "horrific reminder of the incident last year when a Trump fan sent bombs to some of the names that actually appeared in the video. Attacking the press. "

Q: How can you tell when you're on the wrong side of history?

A: @realDonaldTrump is standing right next to you. pic.twitter.com/ADqiXC8IiY

- Eric Wolfson (@EricWolfson) October 15, 2019

Amid all this anger, anxiety and emotion, Trump's spokesperson sent an e-mailed statement to NBC News, explaining that "the video that has spread has not been seen by the organizers and therefore has not been passed or approved, especially They condemn political violence, which makes it troublesome for them too. "

According to the statement, "the video was shown without permission in one of the side rooms, and they did not even know about it until the Times contacted them to inquire about it," which many found unbelievable.

They allowed it and claimed they didn't know about it. The FBI should be investigating this. If you or I made this video we would definitely have a knock on our door.

- Jason Katsoulis (@jason_katsoulis) October 14, 2019