The Ministry of Interior warned school administrations against neglecting the conditions of fire prevention and safety, or not adhering to them, as it is one of the main reasons for the occurrence of fire accidents, with the necessity of the availability of fire extinguishers in a number commensurate with the size of the school, and placed in visible and specific sites and known to all, Students or crowds when entering and leaving the classroom, as this can cause accidents that harm students.

At the state level, civil defense centers carried out several evacuation exercises in public and private institutions, including educational institutions, as part of an integrated program of mock eviction plans.

The mock evacuation is based on the implementation of all the rules in the event of a fire, starting from the immediate notification of the incident and evacuation of the building, and to go to the gathering point, and count the number to make sure that there are no missing inside, and then the process of arrival of civil defense vehicles and emergency teams to the building, and combing To ensure the safety of persons and to assist and rescue in case of injuries, and to start the firefighting process.

The Ministry stressed that the evacuation exercises, which are carried out throughout the year, will provide a safe working environment and free from the causes of accidents, through the rehabilitation and training of employees of institutions in the procedures of evacuation in case of emergency, and prompt response to the warning, and guide those in the building to the best ways to reach the exits Secure.

The General Directorate of Civil Defense, in the Ministry, launched the initiative «safety in schools», in cooperation with the regional civil defense departments, and the Department of Security Information at the Ministry of Interior, and in coordination with the regions and educational institutions within the jurisdiction of each of the departments of civil defense in the State, within the activities of the campaign The main awareness is “Our Students Amana”, which started with the start of the new school year.

The initiative includes the role of regional civil defense departments at the state level preventive and awareness-raising towards educational institutions, through the implementation of field visits throughout the school year, to introduce the preventive measures and measures to be followed by school administrations, and give awareness lectures for students, in order to instill the principles and guidelines of safety and prevention In them, to create a conscious generation aware of the risks surrounding them, to develop positive attitudes towards adherence to the rules of prevention and safety at home, school and road, and to strengthen their ability to act in emergency situations.