Anger does not return to the side of Catalan independence. Separatist protesters blocked a railway station and several roads, including the AP-7 aurotoute, which connects Barcelona to France, Tuesday, October 15. They clashed with riot police in central Barcelona as they attempted to break down security barriers around several buildings in the Spanish central administration.

"The demonstrations took place tonight [Tuesday] around the Spanish delegation, near the Paseo de Gracia", reports Henry de Laguérie, correspondent of France 24 in Barcelona, ​​which states that new clashes began around 20 pm between the protesters and the police. "Garbage containers that burned, jets of stone and bottles," he continues. At around 10:30 pm, the situation was calming down.

Their second day of action follows the condemnation of nine pro-independence leaders to heavy jail terms for their involvement in the October 2017 self-determination referendum. Former regional leader Carles Puigdemont is making the subject of an international arrest warrant.

"Let's make Catalonia a new Hong Kong"

Protesters were waiting for new instructions from the mysterious democratic Tsunami organization, which on Monday called for the blockade of the airport on social networks and couriers. The slogan circulates on social networks: "Let's make Catalonia a new Hong Kong".

Protest marches are planned at least until Friday, day of "general strike" and mass demonstration in Barcelona, ​​convened by the big independentist organizations, National Assembly Catalan (ANC) and Omnium cultural.

Battle of public opinion

The former head of the ANC and that of Omnium, Jordi Sanchez and Jordi Cuixart, are among the nine separatists convicted Monday for sedition including to see organized a referendum of self-determination on October 1, 2017, despite its prohibition by justice.

Meanwhile, the Spanish government and the independence authorities of Catalonia, who claim the trial was political, are multiplying interviews and press conferences to win the battle of international public opinion.

The next head of European diplomacy, Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell, himself a Catalan, denounced the "totalitarian attitude" of the separatists, who "consider that the only Catalans are those who follow their ideas". Before receiving foreign journalists as well, Catalan President Quim Torra assured that he would "start again", with reference to the referendum of 2017, because "we will never give up the exercise of the right of self-determination".

With AFP