WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A prominent US journalist has launched a fierce attack on President Donald Trump's Middle East policy, calling him "cocky, brazen, destructive".

In an article published in the New York Times, political analyst Brett Stephens said that under Trump, the United States has become a "friend who doesn't know his friends in distress."

The writer opened an incident in the 1980s to denote the metal of the United States at the time. It was reported that sailors aboard the aircraft carrier "Midway", which was passing through the South China Sea, in those days saw a piercing boat full of people fleeing the tyranny of the regimes in some countries of the Indochina region.

This helped the seas to rescue those fleeing asylum seekers, one of them was shouting "Welcome, American sailor, welcome to the man of freedom."

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A man of freedom
He was inspired by the story of his essay and even quoted part of the phrase Asian refugee to top the article.

"When the world looks at the United States today, it will sing a song of regret and apology. Goodbye America, goodbye to the man of freedom," he said.

According to the author, this is the global lesson of the "regional catastrophe" caused by the president's withdrawal from Syria. Trump has spoken out, as he has always done, in a series of tweets this week.

He described Trump's tweets, one after the other, as "childish, self-esteem, rudeness and destructive". He praised the Kurds as "the privileged people and the wonderful fighters" whom we "absolutely do not give up". However, he abandoned them, the article commented.

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Stupid wars
Trump praised Turkey for being a good country to deal with and for being an "important member of NATO." But he warned her later that he would "completely destroy it and erase" her economy if she did anything he did not like.

He once boasted that "endless stupid wars are over for us." However, he took the step that would likely expedite its resumption and expansion, and speak to the writer.

He also congratulated himself on the "great and incomparable wisdom".

He added that the Kurdish militants, who "we have abandoned with arrogance" will not have now to survive the Turkish invasion of the option other than seeking to reach agreement with (Syrian President) Bashar al-Assad.

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Tyrant Damascene
Such an accord would allow the "tyrant of Damascus" to strengthen his grip on a country that has been plagued by ill-suffering for nearly 20 years, the article said.

The writer stressed that Trump's withdrawal from Syria will do more to the Syrians and the Kurds, and will strengthen the thorn of Tehran in this country, and will increase the possibility of a full-scale war between Israel and Iran. This withdrawal will demonstrate the inability of US sanctions to rein in Iran's ambition.

On the other hand, the writer says that the withdrawal will give credence to the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin to intervene in Syria in favor of Assad, and will strengthen Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan not only in northern Syria but also the domestic political scene, at a time when he is facing serious setbacks after 16 years in power.

Not only that, the withdrawal would jeopardize the gains made by defeating the Islamic State, where about 10,000 of its fighters are held in the prisons of the forces of the "Democratic Syria".

The writer believes that Trump repeats the mistakes of his predecessor Barack Obama in Iraq when he announced the success of the mission there and the withdrawal of troops, which created a security and political vacuum quickly filled by ISIS, Iran and other "bad" parties.

He believes that Trump's decision to withdraw from Syria and allow Turkey to invade it wanted to divert attention from the congressional investigations to challenge his eligibility in preparation for his isolation.

In conclusion, he says, Trump's "betrayal" of the Kurds has drawn backlash from personalities, including some of his Republican "followers," such as Senator Lindsey Graham, who realized that what Washington is doing now is not just foreign policy folly but a "shame." National".