The little moon has a giant congenital melanocytic nevus. In fact, this is an extensive focus of skin pigmentation, that is, a large mole. Nevus is on the face of the moon and resembles a superhero mask, which is why the baby received the nickname "Batman Girl".

The girl’s mother, Carol Fenner, was treated for infertility for a long time, and the long-awaited daughter became for her a “real miracle”. After the birth of a daughter, Carol and her husband Thiago Tavares moved from Brazil to Miami.

“When Luna was born, I started going to the best doctors in the USA. Was in Chicago, New York, Boston. Everywhere I was offered a long, up to four years, treatment procedure with many laser operations. This is a very aggressive invasive process. Importantly, this would cost $ 400 thousand. We can’t save such an amount in our lives. And the insurance company refused to pay for treatment, ”RT told Carol.

Fenner started Instagram, where she talks about the features of the girl, and began raising funds for treatment. In the summer, doctors from Krasnodar contacted her. They proposed another, less invasive technique: the patient is injected with a drug that accumulates at the site of the nevus and leads to tissue death. A new, healthy skin grows under the crust. After that, pigmentation is reduced by a laser.

Most acquaintances and subscribers perceived the decision to go for treatment to Russia with bewilderment, Carol said: “Everyone said that I had lost my mind, that I did not know how the treatment would go, that the best surgeons were only in the USA. But in fact, everything is going well, the moon is all right. If the treatment doesn’t work, we just start again. ”

The first operation took place in early October. According to Carol, her daughter underwent the procedure well: “Within ten minutes she came to, began to laugh and play. Two hours after the operation, we already went home. And she didn’t even need painkillers later. ”

Carol does not get tired of thanking Krasnodar doctors: the clinic not only helps to take care of the girl in the postoperative period, but also rented an apartment for mom and daughter. The second operation is scheduled for November, but it will all depend on the speed of skin healing.

“In total, it may take from six to eight operations, the entire treatment will take from a year to one and a half. We still have money for two operations - we managed to raise about $ 50 thousand. Yes, it is expensive, but not as expensive as in America, ”says the mother of the moon.

Nevus is dangerous because it can develop into cancer. In addition, one of the reasons for deciding on the operation was several episodes with a negative reaction of others to the moon.

“People point a finger at her, ask if she’s contagious, they can say something offensive,” Carol says. “I don't want my daughter called a monster.” Once in a church, a child asked his mother what was with my daughter, and the woman exclaimed: “Lord, what an ugliness!” Imagine what will happen when the moon goes to school? Children can be very cruel. ”

In Krasnodar, people react calmly to the girl’s characteristics, her mother says: “Before I came here, everyone told me that Russian people are very cold and strict. But it turned out that you are amazing, very friendly and kind. I’m constantly being offered help - to buy diapers or give away baby clothes. ”

“Although people are not yet ready to accept my girl, I’m glad that it helps to slightly change the attitude towards people with special needs,” says Luna’s mother.

Accustomed to the heat, a resident of Miami autumn in Krasnodar seemed harsh and cold: “But it’s better, I’m used to it. What is really missing is Brazilian coffee. I miss him very much. But I’m not complaining, we’re here for a certain purpose, and any inconvenience is absolutely not important. ”

Immediately after arrival, mother and daughter had to prepare for the operation, so they did not have free time. Now they began to walk near the house, go to the market - and in the coming days Carol wants to try something from Russian cuisine: "It will be borscht and dumplings, I think."

More than Brazilian coffee, the mother of the moon misses her husband. But he cannot come because of work: “All the same, we still have bills to pay, a dog to keep an eye on. Maybe my mom will arrive early next year. She planned to arrive in November, but tickets to Russia are very expensive. In January, prices are dropping slightly, so I hope she comes to the third operation. ”