Kisileva said that the governor of the region Valery Radaev and the head of Saratov, Mikhail Isaev, had a personal meeting with her.

“I demanded a good lighted road with school cameras and a high fence from the garages,” said Elena.

Earlier it became known that in all municipalities of the Saratov region, within a week, commissions will be created on the security of the territories of schools and kindergartens and approaches to them after the resonance killing of a child.

Nine-year-old Lisa Kiseleva disappeared on Wednesday morning, October 9, on her way to school. In the search, both policemen and volunteers were involved. On the night of Friday, October 11, her body was found.

The previously convicted 35-year-old man turned out to be a suspect in the murder. As follows from his testimony, he committed a crime out of fear that the girl would tell adults that he had settled in an abandoned garage.