San Francisco (AFP)

Google removed from its online application store a video game that allowed to put itself in the shoes of a protester in Hong Kong, while China increases the pressure against foreign companies that it suspects to support pro protesters -démocrates.

The "The Revolution Of Our Times" application "violated our long-standing policy of banning publishers from capitalizing on sensitive events, such as trying to money with games about ongoing serious conflicts or tragedies, "said the internet giant on Thursday.

This intervention was decided internally, and not in response to a request from the Hong Kong police, said a spokesman for Google, while some media outlets say the opposite.

"After careful consideration, we determined that this app violated our bylaw and we suspended it, as we did in similar cases that took advantage of other events such as earthquakes, seizures, suicides and conflicts, "the group added.

In this "app", the player plans to participate in a demonstration in early June, and must make choices. His decisions to buy protective gear have consequences for him (risk of being arrested, etc.) but also on public opinion and even his sentimental relations, according to an article from Hong Kong Free Press.

According to this news site, "80% of the revenue from the game was to be donated to Spark Alliance, a legal fund for arrested protesters".

Google, like Twitter and Facebook, is blocked in China, but not in Hong Kong.

The three major social networks - YouTube for Google - took action this summer to block a massive propaganda campaign by the Chinese authorities on platforms to discredit the mobilization for democratic reforms.

Recently Western brands have however yielded to pressure from Beijing. The American giant Apple notably removed Thursday an application that allowed the Hong Kong to locate the police on a map.

A semi-autonomous region in southern China, Hong Kong has been experiencing its worst political crisis since June since its return in 1997, with demonstrations and other actions almost daily to demand more freedoms.

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