The Swedish Food Agency's recommendations are that the school lunch should be served between 11-13, but many schools find it difficult to get all children into that range. Agneta Hörnell, professor of dietary science at Umeå University, thinks it may be problematic that some schools do not offer breakfast and coffee if the children have late or early lunch and a long school day afterwards.

What do children's eating habits look like at school age?

- Not that great. What you can generally say is that it is just too little fruit and vegetables and too much junk food, sweets, soft drinks, snacks and the like.

Young children need larger snacks

Agneta Hörnell says that children should have breakfast, lunch, dinner and between two to three snacks a day. The size of the snacks depends on how old the children are. Small children have small stomachs and cannot cope as much with the main meals and need larger snacks than adults.

In the clip above you can see a food clock on how low and middle school children should eat to maintain a good food flow throughout the day.