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Donald Trump openly suggested Thursday that China investigate his rival Joe Biden REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst

Under impeachment proceedings for asking the Ukrainian president for compromising information on his rival Joe Biden, the US president reiterated his request but this time in front of the television cameras and the address of the China.

With our Washington correspondent, Anne Corpet

" China should launch an investigation into the Biden, because what happened in China is as bad as what happened in Ukraine, " said Donald Trump before boarding his helicopter.

This time it is not a private telephone conversation that the White House has tried to hide, but a statement in front of the cameras. As an ultimate provocation, which may be to minimize or normalize a prohibited practice: appeal to a foreign power in the context of an election campaign.

" You can not extort foreign governments to help you be re-elected " immediately tweeted Joe Biden, the first targeted. Several elected officials considered that this declaration offered a second reason for the opening of the impeachment procedure . Especially that just before inviting China to search the affairs of Joe Biden, the US president said he had many options if Beijing did not bend his will in the trade dispute between them.

Kamala Harris , a former California prosecutor and Democratic primary candidate, immediately demanded that transcripts of phone calls between Donald Trump and the Chinese president be included in the impeachment proceedings.