By reducing the sense of exclusion, the number of fatalities can be reduced, believes Johan Eriksson.

- It's about making all people feel equally involved in our society. We should not have exclusion, areas where we speak in terms of "we" and "you" about the police, or talk about "we in the suburb" and everyone else.

Critical to Crown witnesses and youth discount

Attorney Johan Eriksson does not give much for some of the proposals that now figure in the political debate, such as Crown witnesses and youth rebates.

- To offer protection or penalty relief in exchange for providing information, I do not believe that for legal security reasons, he says of the Crown witnesses.

He also does not believe in penalties for young people.

- It is against all science to punish young people as adults, it is pure madness. Should we fill all our prisons with just for young people - do they develop better at an institution than elsewhere? No, it is quite obvious that you do not, says Johan Eriksson.

However, believe in camera surveillance

However, he believes in camera surveillance.

- This type of evidence is often very useful and in addition it is completely objective, we know that what we see in the films is correct. It has worked in other countries.

In cases where prosecution does not lead to conviction, Johan Eriksson believes that the evidence is defective, rather than the evidence requirements that are too high.

- It is easy to say that the judge did wrong or that we have too high evidence requirements, but we certainly do not have that in Sweden. We must always maintain our evidentiary requirements.

Johan Eriksson also believes that it is wrong to say that unsuccessful investigations are because people do not testify.

- Sometimes it is the case that people mask themselves when they commit crimes. It also happens at times and places where there are no witnesses, you usually choose such places. Then it is easy to say that they would have succeeded if there had been witnesses, but it is not that simple.