WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US President Donald Trump warned on Thursday of a "civil war" in his country if Democrats were able to remove him from office because of moves by the House of Representatives to isolate him over a phone call scandal with his Ukrainian counterpart. Anonymous information leak, who complained about the president's behavior with Ukraine.

In detail, Trump quoted the words of his religious adviser, Rev. Robert Jeffries, on his Twitter account, saying: «Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats can not dismiss me from office, knowing that they could not overcome in 2016 against Hillary Clinton. They are increasingly aware of the fact that they will not win it in 2020. ”

"This dismissal is the only tool they can overcome, and the Democrats don't care if they burn and destroy this nation. They know that President Trump's only crime is to beat Hillary Clinton in 2016."

"This is a sin that cannot be ignored and will not be forgotten by the Democrats. If the Democrats succeed in removing the president from office, it will cause a civil war, from which America will never emerge."

Earlier, Trump said he had the right to meet the anonymous information leaker, who complained about the president's behavior with Ukraine, which worsened into an investigation into his question last week.

“Like every American, I deserve to meet those who accused me, especially when this indictment, the so-called“ information loop, ”reviews a perfect conversation with a foreign leader in an absolutely inaccurate and fake way,” Trump said on his Twitter page. ».

In a series of tweets, the US president demanded that all sources reported to the leaked information be interviewed and that Congressman Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, be questioned to uncover fraud and treason.

"Was this person spying on the American president?" Trump said. "There must be big consequences."

Democrats in the US House of Representatives have stepped up pressure to try to isolate Trump, demanding that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo earlier hand over documents on Washington's relationship with Ukraine.

The House of Representatives has begun to hold Trump accountable, accusing him of abusing his powers, by pressuring his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelinsky, to conduct an investigation into his likely rival, Joe Biden.

The heads of three House committees asked Pompeo to hand over the required documents, within a week ending October 4.

Trump denies putting any pressure on Zelinski during the July conversation, when Biden was leading the polls on the two contenders to win the Democratic nomination in the 2020 elections.

Observers believe that the procedures are unlikely to result in the removal of Trump from the White House, even if the House of Representatives support this step, as Republicans control the Senate.

Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said he met Ukrainian officials in Madrid, Paris and Warsaw this year as he sought to open an investigation into Joe Biden, a former US vice president, and one of Trump's key political rivals in the 2020 presidential election.