
30 September 2019Tons and arrows at the 'Tardini' for a hard-fought 3-2 against Parma on Turin in the postponement of the sixth day. With this success, the Emiliani are detached from the low areas by hooking their own grenades at 9 points.

What goes on stage is not a boring first time. The roller coasters start after not even two minutes: the ducals steal the ball in midfield and trigger Gervinho on the wing, an assist at the center for the onrushing Kulusevski (holder in place of the Englishman) who pushes her into the net. The hosts 'advantage is short-lived (12'): a cross from the left of Verdi to Ansaldi who breaks away undisturbed and scores with a precise diagonal header. Verdi himself tries from a tight angle (Sepe with his fists in the corner), then on the 31st 'heavy' episode that breaks the balance of the match again. On Kulusevski's shot, Bremer (already warned) is opposed with his elbow: La Penna is recalled by the Var, he concedes the penalty and expels the Brazilian defender. From the spot Gervinho appears, but one can guess the conclusion from a reactive Sirigu.

From the possible 2-1, and with one more man, Parma is instead under 1-2. Other Var for the referee La Penna, for a blow to the neck of Laurini on Belotti: the penalty this time is for the Taurus and to kick it goes the 'Gallo', that transforms of power displacing Sepe (43 '). The thousand emotions of the first 45 'seem to end here but in the recovery (48'), served by a very active Kulusevski, here is the left-handed shot by Cornelius under the crossbar that gives the tie to the gialloblù.

Three scoring goals for Parma at the start of the second half: a great Sirigu avoids the worst of Pezzella (49 '), flies on Gervinho's right-footed cross (50'), then he is saved from the crossbar on Hernani's bump (51 ') ). The rhythms and emotions are falling, but Toro holds well despite the numerical inferiority and at 72 'Sepe puts a decisive patch on the close attempt of the Izzo grenade. The air 'knows' a draw, but here is yet another (and last) twist: Gervinho breaks on the right and puts in the middle, Izzo rejects badly (the ball remains there) and for the newly entered English is a game by guys sign the 3-2 final. At the 93rd minute the guest coach Mazzarri was expelled.