The criminal court in Dubai has begun the trial of a Gulf unemployed who posed as a policeman and raided with other fugitives the residence of African employees, in collusion with one of them, and forcibly stole 551 thousand dirhams and a number of smart phones and electronic devices from the apartment residents. Almost stolen another amount, 91 thousand dirhams, but the victim of the stolen money realized that the defendants are not policemen, and he caught the Gulf defendant, and did not leave him until after the arrival of the police despite the attempt to escape from it, also discovered the complicity of his colleague who guided the defendants to the place of money and was arrested The police are still pursuing the rest of the defendants.

The first victim said that he works for a general trading company, and receives the money from the manager of his company and delivered to the company concerned with the transfer of money, and the day before the incident received the amount of 551 thousand and 200 dirhams, and went to the headquarters of the other company for delivery but was surprised to close the account and could not deposit the money, so carried His dwelling was placed in an iron safe kept under a bed, with another cash amount, 91,100 dirhams, previously held.

While he was in his residence with four of his friends, he was surprised by four people entering the apartment. One of them was wearing Emirati uniforms and claimed to be detectives. One of the first defendants took out an ID card and hid it quickly. They asked if there were any prohibitions in the apartment. They denied it. They searched the room. They found their contents but found no prohibitions, and then asked the people if they had money and confirmed that they did not have the money, but the victim did not respond, only after the fake policeman confirmed that the failure to disclose the presence of money will expose them to a major criminal charge, he disclosed what they have Money and open the safe, and took out the money, asked him pain The first accused of the source of those sums told him that it belonged to his company and showed him a receipt to prove it, and in the meantime the rest of the defendants were searching the apartment and taking the purposes of those present.

The victim said that the first defendant asked him to accompany him to go to the police station in order to verify the veracity of his statements, and took money from him, and when they came out did not find a police patrol, and was surprised that they are requesting a taxi Froudeh suspicion, and clung to the first accused, and told them I called the police, and everyone got out of the vehicle and a fight broke out among them.

The victim pointed out that he was surprised by their second pain, an African, a colleague of the same nationality, appears in the place and asked him to help him catch the accused but the latter did not help him but asked him to leave him as a policeman, and the defendant managed to escape and ride the taxi with the rest of the accused and took two packages of money The first contains 551 thousand dirhams, the second 91 thousand dirhams, but he followed him quickly and grabbed him and the defendant threw the second package until he left, but he was still holding him with the help of a number of people who gathered in the place, while the rest of the defendants fled the rest of the money.

A witness from Dubai Police said that a report of a robbery was reported in the Freej Al Murar area.He moved to the scene and saw about 20 people catching someone in a Gulf costume.He broke them up and took the defendant to the police station, and then to the Public Prosecution and Criminal Court, which began his trial.