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Donald Trump at the UN General Assembly in New York, September 24, 2019. REUTERS / Lucas Jackson

At the UN platform, the US president has reviewed a large number of topics, from Iran to the trade war with China. But above all, he changed his tone, not in substance, but in form.

With our correspondent in New York, Carrie Nooten

Donald Trump appeared more calm than in his previous speeches. He gave the impression of being thoughtful and being the great promoter of peace. The American president has changed his tone and erased any trace of provocation from his speech. Last year, his counterparts laughed at him, even laughed. This year, he did not give them the opportunity.

But beyond its apparent stature, the content of the speech remains the same. The priority must be national for Donald Trump : his state is sovereign, America cherishes its freedom. The tenant of the White House has reiterated his refusal to comply with the guidelines given by the UN, whether in terms of climate, opening borders, carrying weapons or abortion.

Iran at the heart of his speech

The record he evoked the longest in his speech was Iran. He called on all his counterparts to unite to counter this regime " first sponsor of terrorism " and recalled that the latest US sanctions against the Iranian Central Bank are the heaviest ever made against him.

" One of the biggest threats to nations that love peace today is the repressive Iranian regime, " said Donald Trump. The regime's record of death and destruction, well known to all of us, not only makes Iran the world's leading sponsor of terrorism, but Iran's leaders are also fueling the tragic wars in Syria and Yemen. (...) All nations have a duty to act. No responsible government should support their quest for blood. As long as Iran maintains its threatening behavior, the sanctions will not be lifted, they will be strengthened. "

China accused of " dumping "

Second theme dear Donald Trump, China he accused of " dumping " and data theft in trade. He even called for an in-depth reform of the World Trade Organization.

Very surprisingly, it was above all a president in campaign who appeared on the UN platform. He took stock of his first three years of exercise and listed the lights " employment " and " armament " gone green. According to him, the future does not belong to " globalists " but to " patriots ". A clear desire to play on the sensitive chord of his constituents.