The conflict over the telephone conversation between Trump and his Ukrainian colleague, President Volodymyr Zelenskyj, has grown in recent days. And the demand for Trump to face state law is rising among Democrats after the controversial phone call.

On Tuesday, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said he supports a possible state-of-the-art proceeding against Trump - and Democrats in the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, have said she is considering initiating such a process.

Trump ordered military deferral of around $ 3.9 billion to Ukraine ahead of the talks with Zelenskyj, according to sources of close transparency quoted in The Washington Post. During the ongoing UN summit in New York, Trump acknowledges that it is correct, but denies that it was done to exert pressure.

No evidence

In order for Ukraine to get the money, Trump demanded that Zelenskyj investigate the corruption rumors surrounding Democrat Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden, citing sources for US media.

Hunter Biden has sat on the board of a Ukrainian gas company and, according to Trump, Joe Biden, during his time as vice president of Barack Obama, tried to stop an investigation against the company.

So far, no evidence has been presented that Joe Biden acted corrupt or affected by his son's work in Ukraine. However, critics believe that the Bidens family's connections to Ukraine can lead to a conflict of interest, the BBC writes.

corruption Fight

The charges of corruption now hail both Trump and Joe Biden, who is tipped to become the Democratic Party candidate in next year's presidential election.

On Tuesday - just hours before Nancy Pelosi announced she would make a statement on the matter - Donald Trump wrote on Twitter that he has approved a printout to be published by the controversial conversation with the President of Ukraine.

"I. . . has approved the publication of the complete, previously secretly stamped and in full printout of my telephone conversation with the President of Ukraine Zelenskyj, "Trump wrote on Twitter.

Trump adds that he did not push Zelenskyj during the conversation and that it was completely correct.

The print is published on Wednesday according to Trump.