- Throughout my 22 years at the Öresund Aquarium I have never been involved in such a great catch of cod. There were hundreds of small cod where there are usually a few like this in the fall, says Jens Peder Jeppesen, aquarium manager at the Öresund Aquarium, in a press release.

He believes that the catch gives indications of an exceptionally good breeding season, which is good for Öresund's future cod stock.

- We always get nervous when we find large catches of a species on such shallow water, as it can potentially mean oxygen depletion in the bottom water further out. But when we investigated the condition of cod cod, it seems that they were only drawn to the eelgrass where there are good living conditions, says Jens Peder Jeppesen.

There were also large quantities of fjord shrimp in the catch and the cod's stomachs were filled to the limit of bursting of these, he adds.

The Öresund Aquarium now reiterates its wishes for Öresund to be designated a Danish-Swedish national park.

- Öresund is an extremely productive area. The marine area has the best of conditions for maintaining an incredibly diverse natural life, says Jens Peder Jeppesen.