UAE astronaut Hazza Al-Mansouri will conduct 16 scientific experiments in various areas including motor disorders, fluid dynamics in space, imaging and perception, vascular system, and bone condition indicators, the Emirates Space Agency reported.

During the briefing, the representatives of the Agency reviewed the ambassadors and representatives of official Arab missions accredited to the UAE, the National Space Program, where they indicated
The space mission to the International Space Station will be launched aboard the Soyuz MS15 spacecraft from the Baikonur station in Kazakhstan on September 25 at 5:56 pm UAE time.

They explained the daily lives of the astronauts, where each astronaut will have a dedicated lounge to sleep, which ensures that the astronauts do not float during their sleep due to poor gravity, as well as exercise as sports are important in space, where astronauts exercise for two hours a day in order to avoid muscle atrophy and physical changes Because of the low gravity of space.

The inaugural session was held by the Emirates Space Agency as part of an official visit to introduce them to the sector, the national space program and the country's space exploration projects, in line with its efforts to activate and promote joint Arab action in the field of space, science and technology.

The delegation was received by Minister of State for Higher Education and Advanced Skills Chairman of the Emirates Space Agency Dr. Ahmed bin Abdullah Belhoul Al Falasi and a number of officials and directors of departments and employees.

The inauguration ceremony of the Arab Space Cooperation Group was held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, as part of the second edition of the World Space Conference last March. Hosted by the Emirates Space Agency (ESA), HH the Amir directed the development of the 813 satellite for Earth observation and environmental and climate change to serve as a gift from the UAE to the Arab countries. The Engan Arabs and young people from countries that have signed the Charter of the launch of the first group of its kind in the Arab world.

The launch of the Arab Space Cooperation Group was initiated by the UAE and Abu Dhabi has been chosen as its headquarters and is currently chaired by the UAE Space Agency. The UAE seeks to launch a system that combines technical capabilities, qualifications and scientific cadres to work on advanced projects that enhance the efforts of the global scientific community towards the exploration of outer space. In addition to sponsoring initiatives and programs to qualify and train cadres capable of preparing generations of Arab youth who will push joint projects to achieve their goals.

The delegation listened to a presentation on the history of the national space sector, the stages of launching various space projects, whether in the field of space exploration or in the field of satellites, as well as the latest developments of these projects and expected accomplishments in this context.

Representatives of the Agency reviewed the strong international relations system established by the Agency during the past years since its establishment with various international space agencies and international organizations related to the space sector. They also discussed ways of enhancing the current cooperation between the Arab State within the sector through the "Arab Space Cooperation Group" which was launched. Recently.

The Director General of the Emirates Space Agency, Dr. Mohammed Nasser Al Ahbabi, said that the Arab Space Cooperation Group, which was launched last March, is completing its charter and statute before the end of this year, stressing that it is considered the best platforms through which to promote Arab cooperation in the field of space, especially It currently has 11 States and 6 more would like to join in the near future.

He stressed that the organization of this visit comes within the efforts of the Agency and in line with its strategic objectives aimed at enhancing the contribution of Arab countries in the space sector, and upgrading their capabilities in this vital area, considering the space sector among the most vital sectors capable of improving the reality of Arab countries and the standard of living of their peoples in the near future For its opportunities to develop scientific and technical capabilities.

Al-Ahbabi noted that the visit was mainly aimed at reviewing new mechanisms for Arab cooperation in the field of space by taking advantage of the different capabilities of these countries, in addition to reaffirming the UAE's commitment to work with the Arab countries to reach a distinguished cooperative framework that would make a contribution to the global scientific efforts.

The launch of the Arab Space Cooperation Group coincides with a booming movement in the region towards the expansion and expansion of the space and related sciences sector, both in terms of establishing national space agencies and agencies and launching satellites for commercial and educational purposes. Its expertise has gathered from the development of the national space sector in the country, especially during the past few years which has seen a series of important achievements.