“My congratulations to the huge anti-imperialist march of our people that filled the streets of Caracas with a wonderful act of love and patriotism,” Maduro wrote on his Twitter.

Felicito la inmensa movilización antiimperialista de nuestro pueblo, que desbordó las calles de Caracas en un hermoso acto de amor y patriotismo, para entregar 13 millones 287 mil 742 firmas por la Paz y la soberanía nacional. Desde Venezuela decimos al mundo: ¡No Más Trump! pic.twitter.com/t5lEuXQ74p

- Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) September 21, 2019

He specified that a total of 13 million 287 thousand 742 people left signatures on a petition for peace and national sovereignty.

According to TASS, all signatures will be transferred to the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

On September 19, Venezuelan Vice President Delsey Rodriguez called on the US government to begin restoring dialogue between the two countries.