Although robots have invaded many of the work that humans have been doing following the vast technological development that the world has known, some professions and jobs have remained insurmountable to these machines, thus refuting the idea of ​​robots replacing man in everything.

`` There are a number of functions that will be very difficult to implement based on AI techniques, because of their nature and need for a combination of human intuition, rationality and compassion, '' writer Sara Romero said in a report published in the Spanish magazine Moi Interecente.

the teacher
The teacher profession is one of the few professions that has remained intact today, and it is clear that we will have to set the minimum age for human-machine integration, in order to ensure the emotionally satisfactory education that young children need.

Professional athlete
Computer inventor Raymond Creswell said that computers in 2045 will become a thousand million times more powerful than all the brains of human beings living on Earth, but it is not possible to imagine football teams consisting of robots or robot Olympics, they do not provide fun for the masses.

Obviously, robots do not need to overcome them and compete for speed, jumping or swimming. The meaning of sport for them is different from the concept in humans.

Human policy is unlikely at the moment, and we cannot expect political robots in the short term because this seems unreasonable.

Humans will be the only ones in the political arena, making the professionals of this field the last to lose their jobs because of the robot era.

the judge
A judge's job requires objective and subjective assessments, which is not easy for AI.

Judicial judgments require not only extensive knowledge of the law to apply, but also knowledge and assessment of the ramifications of its decisions to be accurate and fair.

Mental health specialist
The profession of mental health experts - such as psychologists or psychiatrists - is the last job that robots can reach, no matter how efficient the artificial intelligence, and will never reach the level of understanding that humans enjoy.

the artist
Technology has had a major impact on the arts economy, but these jobs are likely to be immune to any future technological invasion, due to the nature of the profession and the need for human sensation and the ability to express it in various art forms.