Seven key hours. The period of time in which Felipe VI has received Pablo Iglesias, Albert Rivera, Pablo Casado and Pedro Sánchez. After listening to them, they and the rest of the political leaders have not left the accounts for a parliamentary majority and has decided not to propose Sánchez as a candidate for the Presidency. Thus, the Cortes will dissolve next Monday 23. Spain faces a new electoral repetition. His fourth elections in four years.

To make this decision, the meetings that Felipe VI has held with Pablo Iglesias and Albert Rivera have been decisive, since their movements in the form of political proposals were the only ways to overcome the blockade. In any case, sources consulted by this newspaper explained that Sánchez would not be a candidate if he did not want to, in order to avoid a situation like 2016.

Those who have met with the King these days agree to describe his mood as "worried." In the meetings he has asked the political leaders his opinion and talked about different scenarios. From Zarzuela , in any case, there was interest because it was known in society that he would not intervene in the negotiation, that he will remain neutral and not take sides with anyone. Receive, listen and decide. He refused to mediate, as Pablo Iglesias had asked.

The leader of Podemos has revealed that during his meeting with the King, he has transferred the need that if there are new elections, "the negotiation times [to form a government] cannot be these. It cannot be that let's go weeks of doing nothing, months of inactivity "and that the winner" will have to make a decision in one direction or another. "

And this political blockade has meant a new litmus test for the King. Although he had the experience of the situation of 2015 and 2016, which included the decline of Mariano Rajoy to be a candidate and a scenario of tension between Zarzuela and Moncloa, the uncertain scenario with last-minute offers and movements caused confusion and forced to caution.

The same sources point out that there has been a consensus on the fact that it made no sense to place institutions, especially Congress, and society in a new situation of stress and frustration with a new failed investiture. That was not the best option.

Felipe VI has not hidden his preference to avoid an electoral repetition and that Spain entered a period of stability and governability. However, the fact that the winner of the last elections, Pedro Sánchez, went to this round of consultations without a prior agreement and with only the guaranteed support of a deputy (the PRC ) called into question governance. However, the options of Unidos Podemos - which insisted on a last-minute dialogue to explore a coalition - and of Ciudadanos - was open to abstention demanding three conditions from the PSOE - allowed a little hope of investiture. Hence the complex, open and uncertain situation facing Zarzuela.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Philip VI
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • United We Can
  • We can
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Regionalist Party of Cantabria
  • PSOE
  • Mariano Rajoy
  • Spain
  • Citizens
  • Albert rivera
  • Politics

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