"I agree that French citizens are expressing concern about what the bill provides," said Eric de Moulins-Beaufort on Monday night.

The President of the Conference of Bishops of France Eric de Moulins-Beaufort said Monday that citizens, Catholic or not, "worried" of the bill bioethics, had "the duty" to demonstrate on October 6, day of mobilization against this text.

"Personally, I do not see how we could prevent citizens, Catholics or non-Catholics, who are worried about this bill, from demonstrating if they think it is a useful way to be heard," he said. to the press, following a conference on the draft law organized by the CEF at the College des Bernardins in Paris. "I would even say they have a duty to do it," he added.

"We Church do not organize the event"

"I agree that French citizens are expressing concern about what the bill provides," he said, adding that "we Church does not organize the protest" . "This is not our way of acting," added the Archbishop of Reims who will not be at the demonstration on October 6th.

Some 20 associations, including La Manif pour Tous, have called for a protest against the bill, which notably provides for the extension of medically assisted procreation (PMA) to couples of women and single women. Adopted in committee, this text will be debated by MEPs in the Chamber from 24 September.