Allegations of Cho Guk's law arrested relative's man First arrested by a series of allegations September 17 2:37

The prosecutor arrested Cho ’s relatives, who seemed to be deeply involved in investment, on suspicion of embezzlement, on the night of the 16th, over the uncertain investment suspicion in the family of South Korea ’s Minister of Justice. This is the first time arrests have been raised for a series of allegations, and the prosecution is ready to pursue further.

It is pointed out that the company that manages the funds of Cho Ho ’s wives was making an uncertain investment, and the prosecution is said to be the central figure of Cho Ho ’s law. He detained a relative's man on suspicion of embezzlement and demanded an arrest warrant from the court.

According to the Korean media, the court issued an arrest warrant on the night of the 16th that there was a risk of disappearance of evidence, and the prosecutor arrested the man.

This is the first time arresters have been issued over a series of allegations of Cho Ho.

The prosecution is to investigate the arrested man further and clarify the flow of funds, and there is a view that he will listen to the situation from his wife, Cho Ho.

The Korean media also reported that the prosecution heard the story as a reference from a university professor on the 16th, even though Cho Ho ’s daughter was illegally enrolled in the prestigious Koryo University. The attitude to pursue is not broken.

Request for resignation of Cho opposition minister

The representative of the largest opposition party in South Korea cut out his head and demanded his resignation as a protest against the appointment of the law minister Cho Guk.

The protest against Cho's appointment was the representative of the conservative largest opposition party “Free Korean Party”, Fan Gyoan.

On the evening of the 16th, in front of the Korean Presidential Office in Seoul, the fan representative cut his head with a clipper and said, “As the representative of the 1st opposition party, I came here to resist the administration, and I will take the lead to stop the Mun administration's violence. "

He continued to sit down with the party's parliamentarians until around midnight on the 17th.

As the investigation into the relatives of Cho Hwa becomes full-fledged, the largest opposition party, the Liberal Korean Party, appealed the attitude of confronting the entire Mun administration through protests, and put pressure on the government with public opinion. I want to strengthen it.