"Consultation resume prospect" North Korea talks US government welcomes September 17 5:16

The US government welcomed the announcement that North Korea would resume talks about denuclearization within a few weeks, and issued a comment urging the resumption later this month. It will be noticed whether the talk can be resumed.

On the 16th, the director-general in charge of the United States in the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced a talk about the practical talks on the denuclearization of the United States and North Korea, and showed that it will resume within a few weeks.

Regarding this, the US State Department said to NHK on the 16th that "the US will welcome what North Korea said will resume talks later this month."

North Korea expressed its willingness to resume talks later this month by First Secretary Choi Soni, who is in charge of negotiations with the United States.

As for the United States, North Korea used the expression “within a few weeks” in this talk, but by pointing out its previous position as “to be late this month”, it encouraged the early resumption of discussions. It is a shape.

The State Department said that it will “not announce” specific schedules, etc., but that it is “ready to discuss at a time and place agreed upon by both parties” and as soon as it can coordinate with North Korea, It shows the attitude of consultation, and it will be noticed whether it can be resumed at the United Nations General Assembly in New York later this month.