This was reported by the regional police on his Twitter page.

“Given the high risk of violent acts in Nantes, today in the afternoon, 18 detentions were made as part of preventive control,” the statement said.

[# Acte44] Face au risque important d'actions violentes dans le center-ville de #Nantes cet après-midi, 18 interpellations ont été effectuées par nos services lors de contrôles préventifs.
Découverte de mortiers rue de Gigant.
Saisie d'1 centaine de parapluies & d'1 extincteur.

- Police Nationale 44 (@ PoliceNat44) September 14, 2019

It is clarified that during the checks, police seized about a hundred umbrellas and one fire extinguisher.

September 14 in France, representatives of the movement "yellow vests" went to the 44th in a row protest.

RT is broadcasting live from Nantes.