- All children who have been and submitted samples had winter sickness virus. So it all goes to say that the whole outbreak was caused by winter malaise, says Jan Smedjegård, infectious disease doctor.

It was last week that the stomach upset at Hökåsens school in Västerås was noticed. During Friday, 40 percent of the school's students at home were sick, most with vomiting and diarrhea.

The infection protection in the Västmanland region was switched on to find out what caused the outbreak. Pupils submitted samples and the municipality's environmental and health protection took food samples.

On Wednesday morning, however, came the answers that showed what was expected, says the infection control physician.

- When there is such a large part in a group of people who get sick, it is very common for this to happen.

No further action is now being taken. In addition, reminders of routines around food handling and hand washing have expired.