• Brexit, new vote in Parliament on early elections
  • Brexit: even Lord say no to the "no deal". New defeat for Johnson who now aims for the elections
  • London, yes of the Municipalities to the motion against Brexit without agreement


September 08, 2019The British Labor Minister, Amber Rudd, resigned from the government and the Conservative Party, putting Prime Minister Boris Johnson in further difficulty, challenged by the opposition and in its own party on the Brexit issue. In the resignation letter, Rudd, quoted by the BBC online, stated that he no longer considered Johnson's "main objective" to leave the EU with an agreement and called the expulsion of 21 Tory parliamentarians on Tuesday as "an attack on decency and democracy ".

The 21 conservative rebels had been expelled from the Tory parliamentary group to the Municipalities after they had voted together with the opposition against the Johnson line and in favor of a postponement beyond October 31 of the exit of the United Kingdom from the EU to avoid a divorce no deal , or without agreement. A postponement that the premier continues to mark as a potential "surrender", proclaiming that he is ready for any challenge in order not to sign the request before Brussels at the next European Council (17-18 October).

Among the expelled the names of ex-minister and veteran Ken Clarke (79 years), and those of other ex-ministers of the first level of the governments of David Cameron and Theresa May as Philip Hammond, Dominic Grieve or Justine Greening, and also of Nicholas Soames, 71-year-old nephew of Winston Churchill.

Amber Rudd, 56, who in the 2016 referendum voted against leaving the EU, said that resigning was "a difficult choice", but added that she could not "stand by and watch" while moderate loyal conservatives they are expelled ".

"I entered your government - writes the minister in the resignation letter to Johnson - in good faith: accepting that the no deal option had to remain on the table because it was a means to have the best chance to reach a new agreement for the exit to October 31. However I no longer believe that going out (from the EU) with an agreement is the main objective of the government ".