The Russian side demanded that the United States cancel the request for extradition of the top manager of the United Engine Corporation (part of Rostec) Alexander Korshunov detained in Italy. This is stated in the message of the embassy of the Russian Federation in Washington, published after a visit by diplomats of the US State Department.

“They expressed strong protest against illegal actions. They demanded an explanation of the reasons for his detention and the immediate withdrawal of the request for the extradition of our compatriot, ”the diplomatic mission said.

The embassy noted that they regard such detentions as “hunting for Russian citizens” and emphasized that such actions violate international law.

“We drew attention to the fact that such a vicious practice of the US authorities in unleashing a hunt for Russian citizens around the world is unacceptable. It goes against the norms of international law, and also leads to further degradation and unpredictability of Russian-American relations, ”diplomats said.

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed that Korshunov was arrested at Naples airport on August 30 on the basis of an international warrant issued by the United States. Diplomats received consular access to the detainee and provide him with all the necessary assistance and legal support, being in constant contact with representatives of the competent authorities of Italy.

According to a U.S. Department of Justice press release released Thursday, September 5, business development directors at the United Engine Corporation (UEC) are accused of conspiring to attempt to steal trade secrets from an American aircraft engine company.

According to the American department, Korshunov allegedly could use the achievements of GE Aviation to obtain information on some components of aircraft engines. In addition to the Russians, charges were also brought against Italian citizen Maurizio Paolo Bianchi, who led the subsidiary GE Aviation, responsible for business in China, Russia and Asia.

Bianchi later joined Aernova in Italy. The American side notes that this company collaborated with UEC-Aviadvigatel, hiring specialists to accelerate the development of jet engines.

“It is estimated that between 2013 and 2018, Bianchi, on behalf of Korshunov, hired current or former employees of the Italian subsidiary GE Aviation to provide consulting services related to additional gearboxes for jet engines,” the US Department of Justice said in a statement.

It is alleged that the documents contained a clause according to which the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia became the owner of the patent and intellectual property from this work. The written testimony says that Korshunov allegedly met with consultants in 2013 at the Le Bourget air show and in 2014 in Milan to discuss the work. It is noted that for conspiracy to steal trade secrets in the United States could face up to 10 years in prison.

"Natural world practice"

Note that the detention of Korshunov on the eve was commented by Vladimir Putin during the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum. Answering a question about the practice of the US authorities in arresting Russians in third countries, the president noted that such actions complicate relations between Moscow and Washington.

“We often see no grounds for hostile acts of this kind. Moreover, I have every reason to believe that this is sometimes connected with competition. There are probably some criminal manifestations, but our law enforcement agencies should cooperate better here, we should sign the relevant interstate documents, agreements on how to act, ”Putin said.

Thus, the head of state noted that the MC-21 aircraft, which is being prepared for the start of mass production, is in direct competition with the Boeing 737, which is why attempts to oppose the project appear. For example, we are talking about making materials for the production of a wing of a civil airliner on the sanctions list.

As Vladimir Putin noted, speaking about a specific case of the detention of Alexander Korshunov, cooperation between a Russian and an Italian company in the provision of consulting services is a normal international practice.

“This UEC has made a new Russian engine, has been doing for a long time, this is our first such high-tech product in the last 28 years. And our engine-building corporation did, specific enterprises with very good competencies and with good personnel, with world-class science. Yes, we have a contract with an Italian company for consultations. This is an absolutely natural world practice. This is an open commercial work with European partners, ”the Russian president emphasized.

“Consultations, some kind of joint work on modern high-tech products - this is absolutely natural, open, public work. Therefore, I believe that in this case, we are definitely dealing with attempts of unfair competition. This does not improve our relations, ”Putin emphasized.