• The Pope in Africa visits Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius


05 September 2019 "You are a promise of life, which brings with it a tenacity, which you must not lose nor let yourself be stolen. How to make dreams come true, how to help solve the problems of the country? I'd like to tell you: don't let them steal you joy. Do not stop singing and express yourselves according to all the good you have learned from your traditions. May they not steal your joy! " Thus Pope Francis met with the young people at the Pavillon Maxaquene in Maputo. The Pontiff has warned against two attitudes "that kill dreams and hope: resignation and anxiety. They are great enemies of life, because - he underlined - they usually push us on an easy but defeat path; and the the toll they ask to pass is very expensive ... You pay for it with your own happiness and even with your life. How many empty promises of happiness, which end up mutilating lives! ". Francesco added that in difficult, painful moments, when everything seems to fall on you "we must not be" crushed by resignation "." We must be very careful, because this attitude makes us take the wrong path ". More times the Pope has invited the young people to repeat not to be taken by resignation and anxiety.