Amina was close friend of Ndella Jack. They have known each other since childhood and for SVT, Amina describes a sister relationship.

- We had no blood ties, but we were like sisters. She was happy, would start her third year of high school and fought against injustice and racism and stuff, Amina says.

On the evening of August 27, Amina had been working late and therefore missed when Ndella Jack was visiting her home town of Fisksätra. Instead, Amina phoned before going to bed to confirm their plans the following day, on Amina's birthday.

- We talked on facetime and suddenly there was a gunshot. I didn't realize it was gunshot noise, but then she said "call the ambulance" and then I realized that there was something wrong and that she had been shot, says Amina.

Got the death sentence the same night

Amina couldn't see on the phone what was going on, but she alerted 112 and then ran over to a friend she knew was awake. Together with the whole family, they then went to the hospital where they received the death notice.

- I saw no signs that it would end like this. Had I known anything, I would have locked her in the basement and never let her out, says Amina.

Want to honor Ndella - by becoming a police officer

The attention has been great about the murder that happened close to the shooting of another woman in Malmö. After each shooting, Amina and Ndella always had a discussion about the deadly violence because Ndella himself wanted to become a police officer.

- She always said, why nothing happens, this is still Sweden, says Amina.

- There are so many young people who lost their lives this year and in previous years. The law has to be tougher. You should not be able to shoot anyone without harsh punishment.

How are you moving on now?

- I will live for Ndella and I will become a police officer for Ndella, she says.