Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea Kansugi Asia-Pacific Director-General of Asia and Ocean as the Foreign Affairs Councilor on September 3, 11:01

At the Cabinet meeting on the 3rd, the government decided to appoint Mr. Kenji Kanesugi, Director General of Asia and Oceania, who was in charge of discussions with the Korean side at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the Secretary-General for Foreign Affairs. The successor will be Mr. Naruki Takizaki, Director of Southern Asia.

Mr. Kanesugi is 59 years old and is appointed as a foreign counselor in charge of economics at the secretary-level level.

He entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1983, worked as a minister of the Korean embassy and the Director of the Economic Affairs Bureau, and has been serving as the Asia-Pacific Bureau Director since 2016 three years ago.

In addition to coordinating to hold the summit of Japan, China, and South Korea, which had been suspended, and responding to the North Korean ballistic missile launch, Korea's foreign affairs have recently become worse as Japan-Korea relations worsen. After repeatedly discussing with the minister's director-general, I have conveyed the position of the Japanese government.

Mr. Takizaki, who will succeed the Asia-Pacific Director of Asia Pacific, is 57 years old.

After serving as the secretary general of the Ise-Shima Summit and the deputy director of the Asia-Pacific Bureau, he has served as the South Asian Director.

In addition, Mr. Motoshi Kitaoka, Ambassador of Tajikistan, will be appointed as the new Estonian ambassador.

Mr. Kanesugi and Mr. Takizaki will be announced on the 9th of this month, and Mr. Kitaoka will be announced on the 10th.