Rosalie Bengtsson has worked as a preschool teacher for nine years. She describes the work as pleasant, developing and challenging - as long as the right conditions exist. But she thinks it's a tough role today.

- I don't think we have the right conditions today. We will do so much more than take care of the children. We could use the time much better.

"Wish we had an administrative person"

Purchase of materials, temporary procurement and most meetings. These are some of the parts that - in addition to taking care of the children - are included in Rosalie's work. She points out several times that something must be done to reduce preschool teachers' stress.

- I wish we had an administrative person so that we do not order goods and fix with substitutes. You have to pull down somewhere for the preschool staff to cope, says Rosalie Bengtsson.

Moa Brydsten (S): "Not wise for the staff to do all this"

Moa Brydsten, chair of the preschool and elementary school board, agrees that it is not entirely reasonable for preschool teachers to have to do many other tasks.

- I don't think it sounds wise that the staff should do all these things. But we also have to think about who should do it. And what will it cost? Will this mean a lower staffing density? I don't want that either.

She believes that the work environment is a very important issue and that it is important that the principal together with the preschools discuss what needs to be done to improve the work environment.

- Something we have talked about for a long time is administrative tasks for all staff. It is felt that the administration has increased, but the documentation requirements have also increased. Documentation is important, but it must not take over.

Hear Rosalie tell about her work situation in the clip above.