Sciatica is a common condition for pregnant women during the second half of pregnancy. With proper care, this condition can be controlled to prevent it from affecting the daily life of women.

Sciatica is a very severe pain that runs along the back of the leg to the heel due to irritation or inflammation of the sciatic nerve. This condition affects more than half of pregnant women, most often starting from the sixth month of pregnancy.

Its causes
There are multiple causes that increase the pressure placed on the sciatic nerve during pregnancy. However, all these causes are associated with anatomical and hormonal changes that occur to the mother's body during intrauterine development.

Overall, these changes create a series of problems:

1 - the growth of the uterus inside the abdominal cavity leads to the displacement of some internal organs that can damage the sciatic nerve.

2 - The position of the uterus and the fetus to make the mother push the pelvis forward to maintain balance. This situation will change the center of her gravity, leading to a widening of the distance between her feet and excessively curving her back, thus increasing the pressure on the sciatic nerve.

3. As the end of pregnancy approaches, the uterine bulge increases while ligaments throughout the body become more flexible. As a result, many joints become unstable and contractions abound.

Its symptoms during pregnancy
The site reported that the pain varies greatly according to the severity of the pressure placed on the sciatic nerve. In this context, some women reported experiencing very severe and paralyzing pain, while others experienced only a slight discomfort.

The most common symptoms of this condition are:

In moderate sciatica, pain extends from the lower back to the buttocks, and tends to be present in specific areas.

2. When it comes to more severe cases of sciatica, the pain extends along the leg and may also affect the knee and heel.

3. Pain is also likely to increase when coughing or sneezing.

4. A pregnant woman can feel numbness or muscle weakness.

5 - In the most serious cases cause severe pain in limiting the movement of women.

Exercise and breathing help women strengthen their body and get rid of sciatica pain during pregnancy. By following a series of precautionary measures, the pregnant woman will be able to treat, control and alleviate this condition during pregnancy and childbirth, and prevent her from causing further damage to the sciatic nerve.

Here are some tips to follow:

1- You should control your weight during pregnancy.

2 - Exercise in moderation, because physical activities such as hiking, swimming or yoga, help to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

3 - heat therapy, as it helps to shed local heat on the affected area to relieve the pain.

4 - Put a pillow between your legs if you sleep on your side, or the bottom of your legs if you sleep on your belly.

5 - Choose the appropriate shoes that fit the natural curvature of your back, wearing high heels is not desirable.

6. If you sit for a long time, you should take a break by walking and stretching your legs every two hours.

7 - If the pain is severe, the best solution is to resort to the help of physiotherapists, and undergo a local massage to relax and reduce muscle contraction.

8. It is very important that you do not try to treat yourself with anti-inflammatory drugs, and consult your doctor instead.