TICAD top-level attendance is too high for a conference held in China, August 29th, 4:03

The TICAD = African Development Conference, which discusses the strengthening of Japan-Africa relations that began on the 28th, was attended by record leaders from 42 countries.
However, it is less than the 50 countries that China held last year with the African countries, indicating that Africa is still more interested in China than in Japan.

The 7th TICAD will be held in Yokohama for 3 days starting on the 28th, and discussions are being held over strengthening relationships such as expanding Japanese companies' investment in Africa.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the meeting is attended by leaders such as presidents and prime ministers from 42 out of 54 African countries.

The summit attendance at this meeting has been the highest so far, but the summits from 50 countries attended the “China-Africa Cooperation Forum” held in Beijing last September in Beijing. In Africa, there is still a greater interest in China than in Japan.

In Africa, where the population is growing and economic growth continues, it is called “the last huge market”. Since China has strengthened its influence by making huge loans, the focus is on how Japan will roll back through TICAD. The