Amazon forest fires to conduct emergency international conference by leaders of South American countries August 29 6:46


Brazil's President Borsonaro announced that he will hold an urgent international conference next month with leaders from South America to discuss the protection of the Amazon rainforest.

In the Amazon rainforest, forest fires have been recorded at a record pace, and according to the National Space Research Institute in Brazil, there have been over 83,000 forest fires between January and 27 this month. It ’s nearly twice as high as last year.

Under these circumstances, President Borzonaro announced on August 28 that he had met with President Pinella in Chile in the capital, Brasilia, and that an emergency international conference was held next month to discuss rainforest protection.

The meeting will be held in Colombia's Leticia in the Amazon River basin in the rainforest, with leaders from South America excluding Venezuela, where political turmoil continues.

The Amazon rainforest is the largest in the world, covering approximately 6.7 million square kilometers in nine South American countries and regions, centered on Brazil.

Called “Earth's lungs” because it produces about 20% of the Earth's oxygen, and the burning of tropical rainforests is accelerating global warming.